Double Portion of Gods Blessings

God has always shown himself good and faithful althroughout the generations , He makes all things beautiful  and perfect and He who started faithfully will be faithful until the very end of times.
2020 for some has been one of the most challenging year but along the way, in the midst of uncertainties we felt Gods quick help and supplied not only everything we need but even more than that. We may not understand now but later God will reveal something great and will turn things around for our good.
Jesus is always quick and on time to listen to all our prayers and always quick to respond according to His plan and perfect will for your life. His embrace and confort is consistently felt . Jesus never ever fail us. He is everything that we need. He is our comforter ...deliverer... healer... He is the Prince of prince and the Lord of lords. His name is above every name . And it is powerful. At the mention of His name everything will change
In His name there is healing miracles and wonders... there is power in the name of Jesus... and it can break every chain, bondages,  walls of even sin and death. He came to save you and me ..our families ...friends and love ones. All we need to do is acknowledge and accept Him as your Lord and saviour and in every step of the way. Let Him lead you. Guide you.
There is peace and joy in serving the Lord and as for me and my house we will serve the Lord . Soon and very soon we will all together cross it over God will surely put everything back to normal its not the end until He said it finish. He has more for us
It may take some time but it is okay because along the way you have Jesus walking with you . He will never leave you He will never forsake you He will always make sure you and your whole families are safe strong and healthy. He will always be in control of everything  He will always make sure you and your families and love ones protected  He will remain good. He will remain faithful. He is consistent
After this God will not only double what we have lost He will even multiply until our cup overflows with His blessings provision favors opportunies beyond our expectations Because He supply everything His richness.and glory. He owns everything He is our great source.and we will never run out of supply
Thank you Jesus for the gift of life the gift of family and the gift of love . Thank you for having us part of your kingdom and unto you we will give all the glory all our praise and  all worship belongs to you Jesus
There is more coming ... more of His glorious days. He will put us to places we never been and in that time we will stay stronger healthier braver more driven by His grace and mercy working living inside us. He will be with us in this journey in every seasons.of our lives He will stay
His love will contunue to sustain us. We will be fully armored He will win this battle. He has won every battle for us and He will do it again. Nothing can seperate us from His great Love 😍😍😍

We will continue to be blessed to be a blessing we will.continue to experience greater things 

Shallom nothings missing nothing broken.


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