DOST ITDI Modular Multi Industry Innovation Center Inaguration Happening now February 18 Virtual Event

DOST- ITDI Updates Modular Multi Industry Innovation Center Inauguration Virtual Event Happening now MMCI officially opens today February 18 Congratulations DOST ITDI. The Industrial Technology Development Institute ( ITDI ), a multidisciplinary research and development institution (RDI) under the Department of Science and Technology ( DOST ) continues to innovate technology that will help the business world primarily the SMEs now specially during this pademic. They will continue to create a technology that will help in the production of natural products. In their Inauguration today their team mentioned that they have now their clients from the South that manufactures oils out of the calamansi . The production will be a lot easier using this technology that can produce 100 processed products a day a way big difference when you do it manually. Meaning this will make the production easier with high assurance of the quality. For those MSEs bu...