A Healthier You with Herbalife Nutrition

Last January 26, 2021 Herbalife Nutrition expert shared the highlights key in the findings of the Asia Pacific  Diet Decision Survey 2020.

It's alarming the increasing numbers of Obesity in our county Herbalife Nutrition Philippines always aims to support and educate Filipinos towards having the proper nutrition choices for optimal health benefits. Be watchful with what you eat- you can always include Herbalife in your weekly diet plus  daily exercise  and always stay happy,  keep  yourself away from stress that helps a lot to achieve a healthy life. These are the three factors that will help us in improving our body composition  first Increase our intake of high biological value protein like isolated soy protein , eggwhite second decrease consumption of simple carbohydrates like white bread white sugar then lastly Increase our physical activities like for strength training  we can do this 2-3 times a week  then for resistance aerobic training we can  3-4times a week.

Let us all stay healthy with Herbalife Nutrition  throughout the years Herbalife have been there to guide and help us stay healthy and fit.  In this pandemic tume we can always join their Virtual Wellness monthly health awareness talk and be educated, todays speaker Dr. Rocio Medina, happy to see you again Mam.

Cheers to a healthier and stronger 2021 with Herbalife Nutrition  😍😍😍

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