It is Okay not to be Okay

Photo Credit to the owner

For  sure a lot of us has been move by this video this has moved us deeply for such as a very timely strong message for us keep the faith of what we have been holding for - whatever you have been praying for - may it be for healing, for opportunities, for breakthroughs, for career, even for a new house , whatever it is  , continue to believe !

Our Faith truly can make you stay alive and regardless of the physical situation that you see and feel , That would not matter at all Because you know that there is someone greater up there who holds your future and indeed He always have the final say. I remember when what I experience last 2018. I was used to be always talking care of my family - my mom  whom I still have now , my dad who is now is heaven which really affects me and I am always used to be the strong one.. That is why when sickness hits me - I was so affected with my bestfriend got sick my classmate died and my very close cousin died . The simple acid reflux made me feel I am going to die and fear of going outside alone, afraid of being alone. I never realize then that I already experience anxiety and I felt so guilty and sad because that is what the enemy is putting inside my mind - I told myself I cant get sick because I have to take care of my mom. Then I remember my friend in church told me  "Its okay not to be okay".and she prayed for me. During that time I dont know exactly whats wrong all I know is when I cried to God and said " Lord please remove all my fears.. I dont want to feel this way. surely Lord this is not what you want for me" immediately God removes and take away all my fears and healed me. Every time I go to church Gods speaks to me and assures me that everything is under His full control through all the praise and worship songs and all the preaching - He is telling me " You will live and not die". That He is not done yet in my life , He is not finish yet. Indeed that is true because that  year after God healed me - 2019 of April - May  He allows my family in Canada to visit and reunite with us,the same year God gave me big projects and 2020 of May 4 God sends me the love of my life - my prayer has been answered. and He gave me a family that prays for me and pray with me. Truly He is not done yet with me and there is more in store for  me, praise God!

That is why when I heard Nightbirds video audition it reminds me of how God helps me get through that challenges in my life indeed  the reason why you are where you are right now, that reason why you are still here , is because God is not finish yet, He still has a divine purpose for you and for me . Like with Nightbirds perfomance It sends a message to everyone that we can always have that hope in our hearts and , happiness is always a choice, what we want to happen in our life is a choice of staying in faith. and God can always use you whatever situation you have , just like with her, God use her to send a message of hope to everyone in the midst of this pandemic God is our hope.. no matter how many percent chances but the point is God is our sure hope. She is a woman of strength. She a woman of faith. She is a woman of worship.

 So its okay not to be okay sometimes as long as you stay in faith , stay connected in the word of God and stay in Gods promises and surely God will turn things around for good and use where you are to make a difference and your life to be a testimony that will give hope and strength to other people. We can always face our fear and lift everything to God . Allow God to move. and never be ashamed to share  what you been through because your testimony will be the strength of the people who is going through the same thing. and it will give them a strong message of hope and inspirations. He did not redeem you for no reason He redeem you so that He can use you for a greater purpose. Always remember God is bigger than our situation - bigger than cancer, bigger than any sickness, bigger than any viruses, bigger than anxieties, bigger than your fear. bigger than your worries and stress. He is the creator of the universe, He will always have the final say! Its not done yet until God says! Nobody and nothing can stop and change Gods purpose in your life!

Sharing you below some of the quotes from Worship Generation and also link of the video of the perfomance and the lyrics of the song

As long as you are breathing, as long as you are alive God still has a plan for you. Let's not focus on our weakness, focus on God's power.

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. -1 Timothy 6:12

2% chance of survival, here's what she has to say. 2 percent is still 2 percent than zero
"You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore , before you decide to be happy ."
Nightbirde chases her dreams and proves that she is so much more than her cancer!
Watch Nightbirde's heartfelt performance here:
Worship Generation

I moved to California in the summertime I changed my name thinking that it would change my mind
I thought that all my problems they would stay behind
I was a stick of dynamite and it just was A matter of time, yeah

Oh, dang, oh, my,
now I can’t hide
Said I knew myself but I guess I lied
It’s okay, it’s okay
it’s okay, it’s okay
If you’re lost
We’re all a little lost
and it’s all right
It’s okay, it’s okay
it’s okay, it’s okay
If you’re lost
We’re all a little lost and it’s all right
It’s all right
it’s all right
It’s all right

I wrote a hundred pages, but I burned them all
Yeah, I burned them all
I blow through yellow lights and don’t look back at all
I don’t look back at all

Oh, dang, oh, my,
now I can’t hide
Said I knew myself but I guess I lied
It’s okay, it’s okay
it’s okay, it’s okay
If you’re lost
We’re all a little lost
and it’s all right
It’s okay, it’s okay
it’s okay, it’s okay
If you’re lost
We’re all a little lost and it’s all right
it’s all right to be lost sometimes


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