MIND YOUR POSTURE: What Posture Says About Your Health by Dra.ScottJan

 I was very excited to attend this webinar by Dr Scott Hann about Mind Your Posture because I am guilty about this , most of the time Im not aware of my posture thats why I always feel some pain at my back which really has something to do with the right posture. The webinar is very informative. It explains how our posture affects our health on when its not corrected.

Our bone structure is seriously affected when we have a bad posture that leads to a more serious condition and we really have to be aware of this so that we can start doing something about it because it gets too late . Now is the time to be concern about it.

A consistent regular exercise is very important in achieving a big change in our habit which I know its not so easy unless you have fully decided to do it until you get use to it and it becomes part of your lifestyle.

Our bone structure is seriously affected when we have a bad posture that leads to a more serious condition and we really have to be aware of this so that we can start doing something about it because it gets too late . The beginning of the disease process begins with postural distortions, Poor posture can also affect joint degeneration, herniated and degenerated discs,it also increase heart rate  and blood pressure and can decrease circulation,, reduction of lung capacity by as much as 30%, fatique and decrease mental performance, it also leads to pain and muscle tensions and stiffness  in the neck, jaw and shoulder. These were all discussed 

A consistent regular exercise is very important in achieving a big change in our habit which I know its not so easy unless you have fully decided to do it until you get use to it and it becomes part of your lifestyle.

Follow him in his FB page for their upcoming webinar schedule



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