Its a Great Adventure Being a Fur Parents


Being  a fur parent is an amazing thing. It is like having a baby , I had my first Shihpoo last December 15 2021 I have her as my birthday gift from my sister Joy I was so excited to get her from Quezon City coming from Cabuyao Laguna . We beat the traffic. We named her "Happy" as my sisters request for us to always be reminded of being Happy all the time whatever happens. She is so beautiful ,clingy , quiet , soft , sweet and keeps on looking in her first night with us, She did not cry she felt at home right away. she sleeps soundly.  


We all enjoyed watching her . like every pose we have to capture every cute little moments of her. she runs, jumps super cute. She never bark on her first night , only when my niece Angie tease her that is when we first hear her so tiny bark. 

We are so happy so have her spend her first Christmas with us. and she is so happy to meet my brothers furbabies shitzus Channel Gucci Sachie and Chin Chin. Imagine that was after her shots when we go to my brothers house to spend Christmas there and my brother said we have to let her rest because  she just got her vaccine. But surprisingly when we arrived and put her on a sofa , she wants to play thats why we put her on the floor and then Sachie kept on following her and after minutes past, she runs and runs and never stop following Sachie . she is super cute.

My brother have to put her in that open cage to rest  because she kept running  but still she kept jumping and wanted out to play and run with her new found friends

This is her first time gala with us in the mall . she was so behave and kept on looking around so curious to see everything around her .

Before I forgot she receive her first Christmas present from my brother she looks so excited to open it 

And just this February 1 we got her new friend because after she met her friends in my brothers house she misses them thats why I decided to get her new friend buddy

His name is Bailey . He is so pogi so  cute also  he is super playful , They look like siblings .
They are so unseperrable so sweet together . sometimes they played too much and dont want to stop so I have to give them a time out so that they can both rest.

Wait for more stories about my fur babies in my next blog, Thanks everyone.


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